Private Company Financials, Transactions & Valuations.

League Tables

League Tables - Updated Now For Jan-Mar 2024 (First Draft)

The Venture Intelligence League Tables, the first such initiative exclusively tracking transactions involving India-based companies, are based on value of PE and M&A transactions advised by Transaction and Legal Advisory firms during the calendar year. The League Tables are compiled based on transactions submitted by the advisory firms and filtered using Venture Intelligence definitions

    Include Due Diligence,Tax,Other Advisory Services
    Rank By :
Top Advisors - M&A
Rank Company Name #of Deals Amount $M
1 Ernst & Young 4 1,219
2 KPMG 1 1,089
3 Kotak Mahindra Capital 1 615
4 Goldman Sachs 1 615
5 PwC 3 467
6 Avendus 1 200
7 Standard Chartered Bank 1 181
8 Value Prolific Consulting (ValPro) 1 162
9 Metta Capital Advisors LLP 2 114
10 Singhi Advisors 4 95
11 Technology Holdings 1 66
12 RBSA Advisors 2 58
13 Ambit 1 34
14 Capwise Financial Services Private Limited 1 30
15 DAM Capital Advisors 2 12
16 Eiliant Advisors 1 5
17 IndigoEdge 1
17 Nova Capital Advisors 1
17 Aeka Advisors 1